Selasa, 11 Februari 2020

readThe 7th Planet Mercury Rising Gerald R Clark 9781505531886 Books UVP

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This is the book you and I have been waiting for since authoring The Anunnaki of Nibiru released August 4th, 2013. The issues and questions that this research raised with the readers were carefully studied to locate the link between humanity's South African genesis account and today. How does one proceed after discovering that modern man was fashioned by the Anunnaki to supplant the labor force they brought to Earth from Nibiru? This knowledge changes all that we have been coerced into believing as the truth.
A theme began to emerge given the lessons accessed from sacred writings. The profound nature of the material provided in this book took time to study, understand, process the lessons and assimilate them into a coherent message.
Questions like "If the Anunnaki created mankind, then who created them?" The answer takes one back to the SOURCE of our reality. Are we evolving physically and consciously towards an archetype used in our biological design? Where are we headed as a species and to what extent are our genetic creators shaping the outcome? Who are the Dark Lords behind the NWO and will Light prevail?
In my quest to find the ascension path out of our prison planet conditions, no map was found. The truth, as it always has been for participants on the stage of life, is a pathless land. Only through deep seeking at a spiritual level, could the wisdom be accessed.
Profound and timely guidance from the pillars of Atlantis hold the keys to our ascension. The time to lift the veil of oppression, barbarian to Mystery School Graduate is here. Portal access to return to the Source of All creation exists. Mystery Schools run by the first Al-Khemist, Thoth the Atlantean, instructed highly qualified candidates in the Ancient Science of Continuous Creation. Some well-known graduates include Plato and Pythagorus. Thoth, also known as Ningishzida in the Sumerian cuneiform records, had many names in cultures separated by thousands of years. Also known as names (AKA) for him cause great consternation in the Abrahamic religions. Ningishzida, Thoth the Atlantean, Thrice Great Hermes, Yehosua (Biblical Jesus) and Melchizedek are just a few. Thoth was one of the immortals that chose to participate in helping mankind out of his quarantined perception prison.
Combining genealogy studies, biblical theology, ancient astronaut theory, geopolitical developments, and a deep scientific understanding of the properties and nature of light led to an unexpected outcome, a profound unveiling intended for my supporters. The message and detailed criteria on how to participate in the Great Year ascension is presented to the reader in a manner that is easy to understand, given the complex nature of our reality. The unveiling re-invigorated me to write this book, simultaneous to the timing of the great culling planned for WW3.
The reader will undoubtedly put the book down and zealously SEEK TO share the wisdom with family and friends, arming them with the knowledge that removes any remaining ideas or fears about the sting of death as we understand it.
Overcoming our fear of death is part of the process to embrace the transformation we experience during aging. What if you knew that death was an illusion and conducted your life to achieve the goals that were determined by the Creator of All to lead you to the reflective consciousness that is the source of space-time and our reality here on the 7th Planet? Where Mercury-Ningishzida's role to raise mankind's consciousness during the ascension window is reaching a crescendo. Join me on this profound life-altering journey where the reader will encounter the mystical process that leads to the knowledge and reality of immortality if one chooses it. May the soul of the universe be with you and provide unmatched peace and comfort holding thy form through the transition to a new reality. I look forward to meeting you all at the SOURCE.

Gerald R. Clark,The 7th Planet, Mercury Rising,CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1505531888,Conspiracies,Life on other planets,Spirituality,History / Ancient History,Ancient Mysteries Controversial Knowledge,Body, Mind Spirit,Body, Mind Spirit / Ancient Mysteries Controversial Knowledge,General Adult,Mind, Body, Spirit,New Age,New Age / Body, Mind Spirit,Non-Fiction,PRINT ON DEMAND

The 7th Planet, Mercury Rising [Gerald R. Clark] on . This is the book you and I have been waiting for since authoring The Anunnaki of Nibiru released August 4th


Product details

  • Paperback 590 pages
  • Publisher CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (December 28, 2014)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1505531888
"" [Review ]

PDF FileThe Hasselblad Manual Seventh Edition Ernst Wildi 9780240810263 Books EGM

The Hasselblad Manual Seventh Edition Ernst Wildi 9780240810263 BooksFree Books Online to ReadThe%20Hasselblad%20Manual%20Seventh%20Edition%20Ernst%20Wildi%209780240810263%20Books PVK

Discover the great advantages and benefits of working in the medium film format or with the large digital sensor units in Hasselblad digital cameras and digital backs. Presented in an easily accessible format, this book shows the working and manipulation of the various cameras. Detailed illustrations dissect the equipment and provide insight into the ways in which these superb cameras and lenses are best utilized to create professional quality images.

This edition of the Manual will bring you up to date with the latest features available within the popular Hasselblad camera systems emphasizing that camera and lens are the most important tools for creating exciting images whether you work digitally or with film. The complete Hasselblad camera system is discussed by renowned author and Hasselblad insider, Ernst Wildi, who provides a solid foundation of both traditional photography and digital capture techniques. Inside you'll also find inspiring photographs from well-known photographers, illustrating a variety of photographic techniques using a Hasselblad camera.

*Stay on the cutting-edge with completely updated information on the latest digital cameras and digital backs as well as lenses and accessories for digital imaging and film photography
*Make the most of these sophisticated cameras with expert instruction on flash and close-up photography, digital imaging, and effective use and operation of lenses in any type of photography
*Produce high quality images by following the detailed operational instructions while learning the most effective use of the different camera models
*Includes full color portfolios from some of the most renowned Hasselblad photographers in the world

Ernst Wildi,The Hasselblad Manual, Seventh Edition,Focal Press,0240810260,Techniques - Digital,Hasselblad camera;Handbooks, manuals, etc.,Photography;Handbooks, manuals, etc.,Computers Internet,Cameras photographic techniques,Computer Applications,GENERAL,Handbooks, manuals, etc,Hasselblad camera,Non-Fiction,PHOTOGRAPHY / Techniques / Digital (see also COMPUTERS / Digital Media / Photography),Photo Techniques,Photography,Photography photographs,Photography / Techniques / Equipment,Scholarly/Undergraduate,Techniques,Techniques - Equipment,United States

The Hasselblad Manual, Seventh Edition [Ernst Wildi] on . Discover the great advantages and benefits of working in the medium film format or with the large digital sensor units in Hasselblad digital cameras and digital backs. Presented in an easily accessible format


Product details

  • Hardcover 416 pages
  • Publisher Focal Press; 7 edition (September 17, 2008)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0240810260
"" [Review ]

DownloadNight Swimming Night Swimming Laura Moore Books EYE

Night Swimming Night Swimming Laura Moore BooksFree Books Online to ReadNight%20Swimming%20Night%20Swimming%20Laura%20Moore%20Books INV

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Laura Moore,Night Swimming Night Swimming,Random House USA Inc,B001UPQO72

Night Swimming Night Swimming [Laura Moore] on .


Product details

  • Paperback
  • Publisher Random House USA Inc (July 3, 2003)
  • Language English
  • ASIN B001UPQO72
"" [Review ]

Senin, 10 Februari 2020

DownloadIn the Palm of Your Hand Practical Palmistry for Career and Relationship Success Liz Gerstein Books GNY

In the Palm of Your Hand Practical Palmistry for Career and Relationship Success Liz Gerstein BooksDownload the PDFIn%20the%20Palm%20of%20Your%20Hand%20Practical%20Palmistry%20for%20Career%20and%20Relationship%20Success%20Liz%20Gerstein%20Books LAS

This book on palmistry seeks to satisfy those interested in gaining insight into themselves and finding new ways of unblocking their personal and career potential from the study of the hands.

Liz Gerstein,In the Palm of Your Hand Practical Palmistry for Career and Relationship Success,Hay House,1561708100,General,Palmistry.,BODY, MIND SPIRIT / General,Body, Mind Spirit,Divination - Palmistry,Fortune-telling divination,Love Romance,New Age,New Age (Self Help),New Age / Body, Mind Spirit,Non-Fiction,Palmistry

In the Palm of Your Hand Practical Palmistry for Career and Relationship Success (9781561708109) Liz Gerstein Books


Product details

  • Hardcover 295 pages
  • Publisher Hay House (March 1, 2002)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1561708100
"" [Review ]





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